• 100% Organic

  • Vegan

  • Gluten free

  • No sugar

  • No added flavors

Should you regularly suffer from bloating, indigestion, brain fog,
fatigue, headaches, insomnia, aching joints, sore muscles or other such
unpleasantries, a gentle tea detox can prove very beneficial.  Whether inspired to lose weight and or desire to feel internally well, our OQ Slim and Colon Cleanse tea-tox blends were created to assist as they are specially formulated to help speed up metabolism, burn fat,
reduce bloating and lower inflammation, cleansing and healing the body naturally without any additives, preservatives or laxatives. 

Customer's Reviews

  • "A skeptic by nature, I have to say Organic Qualitea slim and cleanse work pretty darn good and would recommend anyone try it."
    - Susan B.

  • "Because I’m always on the go, I often don’t get in enough roughage, as a result, don’t poo as I normally should, your OC Cleanse worked like a charm and will be using it again"

    - Jan

  • "After using both the OC Slim and Cleanse together, in addition to having lost a couple of pounds within the first week, I feel lighter, less stressed and more comfortable in my skin"

    - Katie