Q. What is the product shelf life?

A. Teas are most effective when used within the first six months after purchase. However, they can keep longer if stored in an air tight container and placed in a cool dry place.

Q. I’m trying the OQ Slim and OQ Colon Cleanse detox teas for the first time; what should I expect?

A. From the Slim:

  • zero to very mild cramping
  • increased bowel movements

     From the Colon Cleanse:

  • headaches
  • zero to some diarrhea
  • increased bowel movements

Q. Why headaches, you ask?

A. Toxins. When detoxing with the OQ Slim or Colon Cleanse, your body will attempt to get rid of toxins - if your body is not sufficiently hydrated to start with, this will impede its’ ability to flush out those toxins, thus will lead to an accumulation of them which will cause headaches.

     Dehydration - Aside from suggesting a person drink between 8 to 10 glasses of water daily regardless if detoxing or not, it’s all the more important for you to drink that amount of water daily when consuming the Slim or Colon Cleanse tea in particular because of its natural effect of reducing water retention in the body; which needs to be re-hydrated.

     Caffeine Withdrawal – may be another reason. Should you choose to reduce your caffeine intake from coffee to a moderate amount which is recommended, you may experience caffeine withdrawal which is a typical and natural reaction. However uncomfortable that may prove to be, the headaches will last up to a week or so and then subside. Moreover, should you choose to refrain from consuming coffee altogether during the 28-day detox period (coffee being the most common beverage containing a much higher amount) all the better. The caffeine, acidity and dehydrating effect in coffee is strenuous on the liver and kidneys during this period as your detoxification itself utilize these very organs. That includes decaffeinated coffee as well. Not only do the above mentioned properties of coffee remain, the caffeine in decaf is extracted using chemical agents.

      Contrarily – those who do not consume caffeine or are sensitive to it, may also experience headaches when consuming loose leaf tea. As much as this is an uncommon occurrence, it’s still possible, as Sencha Green Tea and Yerba Mate in loose leaf tea contain a small amount of caffeine.

Q. How often can I go on the OQ detox?

A. While our products are designed for continual usage. It is recommended that you take a 4-week break in-between every 28-day detox. Moreover, if you intend to extend the use of the OQ slim or detox beyond the 28-day period for an indefinite period of time, it’s highly recommended that you first, consult with your healthcare physician.


- If pregnant or nursing do not use the Slim or Colon detox without first seeking professional health care advice.

For those with a pre-existing medical condition(s), it is recommended that you consult with your healthcare physician for advice first, before consumption of our products.

It is recommended that a person be 18 years of age or older when using the OQ Colon Cleanse Tea that contains herbs which can bring about (mild) laxative like effects that can be harmful to body development. 

-  For more optimum results, in addition to reducing your sugar and coffee intake it’s also recommended that your Organic Qualitea Detox be further nutritionally supported by way of diet and hydration along with some form of exercise.